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Utilizamos el condicional 1 para hablar de una posibilidad real en el futuro; es decir, de una acción que es posible que ocurra en el futuro siempre y cuando se cumpla la condición.

Ejemplo con explicación

Pensemos en que una amiga me pedio el favor de ayudarla a estudiar para un examen que se realizará mañana; yo no sé si pueda ayudarla porque no sé si tengo que trabajar mañana, entonces yo le digo:

  • If I have time tomorrow, I will help you. (Si tengo tiempo mañana, te ayudaré)


Este condicional tiene dos partes: “la condición” y “el resultado”. Observa los siguientes ejemplos:

-If you come to the party, you will meet my sister. (Si vienes a la fiesta, conocerás a mi hermana)
-If she gets home late, I will be very angry. (Si ella llega a la casa tarde, estaré muy enejado)

La condición:

  • If you come to the party, (Si vienes a la fiesta,)
  • If she gets home late, (Si ella llega a la casa tarde,)

El tiempo verbal que utilizamos para la oración condicional es el presente simple -“you come” y “she gets”- (Para mayor información sobre este tiempo verbal puedes ir a la lección sobre el presente simple en inglés)

El resultado:

  • You will meet my sister. (Conocerás a mi hermana)
  • I will be very angry. (Estaré muy enfadado)

Estas frases utilizan el futuro con WILL acompañando de la FORMA BASE DEL VERBO -“will meet” y “will be”-. (Puedes ir a la lección sobre el futuro con WILL)


Podemos cambiar el orden de la oración sin alterar el significado:

I will help you if I have time. (Te ayudaré si tengo tiempo)

Podemos usar los verbos modales CAN o MAY en lugar de WILL; ejemplos:
 -If I don’t have to work on Saturday, we can go to the cinema. (Si no tengo que trabajar el sábado, podemos ver una película)
-If she studies hard for the exam, she may get a good grade. (Si ella estudia dura para el examen, puede que obtenga una buena calificación)

Ahora, ya puedes visitar la sección "Homework" y ponerte a prueba con los ejercicios.


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Apart from watching the video, we'll have a look at a quite complete list of vocabulary and expressions below. Click on the following LINK to access it.

What Are Articles?

Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. Consider the following examples:
After the long day, the cup of tea tasted particularly good.

By using the article the, we’ve shown that it was one specific day that was long and one specific cup of tea that tasted good. 

After a long day, a cup of tea tastes particularly good.
By using the article a, we’ve created a general statement, implying that any cup of tea would taste good after any long day.  
English has two types of articles: definite and indefinite. Let’s discuss them now in more detail.

The Definite Article

The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of a noun to one particular thing. For example, your friend might ask, “Are you going to the party this weekend?” The definite article tells you that your friend is referring to a specific party that both of you know about. The definite article can be used with singular, plural, or uncountable nouns. Below are some examples of the definite article the used in context:
Please give me the hammer.
Please give me the red hammer; the blue one is too small.
Please give me the nail.
Please give me the large nail; it’s the only one strong enough to hold this painting.
Please give me the hammer and the nail.

The Indefinite Article

The indefinite article takes two forms. It’s the word a when it precedes a word that begins with a consonant. It’s the word an when it precedes a word that begins with a vowel. The indefinite article indicates that a noun refers to a general idea rather than a particular thing. For example, you might ask your friend, “Should I bring a gift to the party?” Your friend will understand that you are not asking about a specific type of gift or a specific item. “I am going to bring an apple pie,” your friend tells you. Again, the indefinite article indicates that she is not talking about a specific apple pie. Your friend probably doesn’t even have any pie yet. The indefinite article only appears with singular nouns. Consider the following examples of indefinite articles used in context:
Please hand me a book; any book will do.
Please hand me an autobiography; any autobiography will do.

Exceptions: Choosing A or An

There are a few exceptions to the general rule of using a before words that start with consonants and an before words that begin with vowels. The first letter of the word honor, for example, is a consonant, but it’s unpronounced. In spite of its spelling, the word honor begins with a vowel sound. Therefore, we use an. Consider the example sentence below for an illustration of this concept.
My mother is a honest woman.
My mother is an honest woman.
Similarly, when the first letter of a word is a vowel but is pronounced with a consonant sound, use a, as in the sample sentence below:
She is an United States senator.
She is a United States senator.

This holds true with acronyms and initialisms, too: an LCD display, a UK-based company, an HR department, a URL.

Article Before an Adjective

Sometimes an article modifies a noun that is also modified by an adjective. The usual word order is article + adjective + noun. If the article is indefinite, choose a or an based on the word that immediately follows it. Consider the following examples for reference:
Eliza will bring a small gift to Sophie’s party.
I heard an interesting story yesterday.

Indefinite Articles with Uncountable Nouns

Uncountable nouns are nouns that are either difficult or impossible to count. Uncountable nouns include intangible things (e.g., information, air), liquids (e.g., milk, wine), and things that are too large or numerous to count (e.g., equipment, sand, wood). Because these things can’t be counted, you should never use a or an with them—remember, the indefinite article is only for singular nouns. Uncountable nouns can be modified by words like some, however. Consider the examples below for reference:
Please give me a water.
Water is an uncountable noun and should not be used with the indefinite article.
Please give me some water.

However, if you describe the water in terms of countable units (like bottles), you can use the indefinite article.

Please give me a bottle of water.
Please give me an ice.
Please give me an ice cube.
Please give me some ice.

Note that depending on the context, some nouns can be countable or uncountable (e.g., hair, noise, time):

We need a light in this room.
We need some light in this room.

Using Articles with Pronouns

Possessive pronouns can help identify whether you’re talking about specific or nonspecific items. As we’ve seen, articles also indicate specificity. But if you use both a possessive pronoun and an article at the same time, readers will become confused. Possessive pronouns are words like his, my, our, its, her, and their. Articles should not be used with pronouns. Consider the examples below.
Why are you reading the my book?

The and my should not be used together since they are both meant to modify the same noun. 

Instead, you should use one or the other, depending on the intended meaning:

Why are you reading the book?
Why are you reading my book?

Omission of Articles

Occasionally, articles are omitted altogether before certain nouns. In these cases, the article is implied but not actually present. This implied article is sometimes called a “zero article.” Often, the article is omitted before nouns that refer to abstract ideas. Look at the following examples:
Let’s go out for a dinner tonight.
Let’s go out for dinner tonight.

The creativity is a valuable quality in children.
Creativity is a valuable quality in children.

Many languages and nationalities are not preceded by an article. Consider the example below:

I studied the French in high school for four years.
I studied French in high school for four years.
Sports and academic subjects do not require articles. See the sentences below for reference:
I like to play the baseball.
I like to play baseball.
My sister was always good at the math.
My sister was always good at math.



CAN = Poder, saber hacer algo
I can speak English = Sé hablar inglés
I can't speak German = No sé hablar alemán
Can you hear me? = ¿Puedes oírme?

COULD = Podía, podría, pudo (Es el pasado de “can”)
He could run very fast = Él podía correr muy rápido
He couldn't play football last week = Él no pudo jugar al fútbol la semana pasada
Could you open the door? = ¿Podrías abrir la puerta?

MUST = Deber , tener que
En afirmativa e interrogativa expresa obligación.
They must go now = Ellos deben irse ya.
Must we do the homework? = ¿Debemos hacer los deberes?

En negativa expresa prohibición
You mustn't eat in class = No debes comer en clase

SHOULD = Debería, deberías, etc
En afirmativa se usa para dar y pedir consejos o para hacer sugerencias.
You should pay attention = Deberías atender

En negativa se utiliza para dar a entender que algo no nos parece buena idea.
You shouldn't smoke = No deberías fumar

1 – Utilizan la misma forma para todas las personas.
2 – Van seguidos de infinitivo sin “to”.
3 – En negativa añaden “not” o su forma breve al verbo. 
4 – En interrogativa invertimos el sujeto y el verbo.
He can find any street in London. You can take a taxi.
Can you take me to Victoria Station?
Ability Suggestion Request
He is able to find any street in London.
That story can ́t be true.
Certainty that something is impossible
could play tennis when I was younger. Could you take me to Victoria Station?. You could take a taxi.
Ability Request Suggestion
It may be quicker to travel by train. May I come in?.
Possibility Formal request
It might be quicker to travel by train.
You must be back at 10 o ́clock.
Look at the snow. It 
must be cold outside.
Certainty that something is true
You have to be back at 10 o ́clock.
You need to study a lot.
You needn ́t have a university degree.
Lack of obligation
You mustn ́t drive without a licence.
You don ́t have to call a taxi.
Lack of obligation
You should drive more carefully
Opinion / Advice
You ought to drive more carefully
Opinion / Advice

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Learn how to talk about transport and driving in English. What’s the best way to get around your hometown? Do you drive often? What public transport do you use regularly? Here, you’ll see how to answer these questions—and many others—in clear, correct English.
How do you get around your hometown? What are the advantages or disadvantages of different forms of transport where you live?

I'm sharing a couple of videos related to the impact transport has on tourism.

Aquí os dejo la lista que os he comentado en clase. La podéis consultar directamente o descargarla pinchando en la imagen.


Watch the following two situations for both having fun and learn how to lead such a conversation.

It is now time to learn some interesting vocabulary to enrich your speech. This two websites will give some clues in order to know how to.


Click on the image below to access the information about verb tenses that will help you understand and work on it easily.

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SIGHTSEEING. Find below access to the presentation we've been checking these last two days of class. Hope you find it interesting and that some of the expressions commented remain!

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